Labels:daily | encyclical | fence | sea | silver screen | sky OCR: nowever There many causes exophtha o Graves the ma jority of thickened cases are due maging of disease in adults MR provides optimal obtained the orbits with coronal and axial planes sition CT with the patient's head in the neutral ilising thincan also De used for orbital imaging 81 planes. slices (3mm in the axial and direct coro ral and The host common presentation is bilat th symmetric ocular muscle enlargement tus preference for the inferior and medial ilateral Bilateral asymmetric and occasionally liopathic invol lvernent can also ocCuY (Fig 24.23. umour inflammation or inflamma tor pseudo which another frequent cause of exophthal lmo often causes ocular muscle enl largemen nds to Invol vermen is usually unilatera and n into the invol ve the muscles tendinous insertit iass Other globe ...